You are a detective on the trail of the stolen world cup of soccer. You follow the trophy to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, but what comes next? Will you find fame, or... death?An easy-English adventure with eight different endings.
Atama-ii graded readers are multiple-path adventure stories in easy English. They are ideal for reluctant readers or for learners of English as a second language. Recommended for ages 11 and up. All titles in the series are at about the 300 headword level and about 2,500 words in total. Each text page is between 100 and 110 words and is accompanied by a full-page color illustration to aid comprehension. Each story contains eight different endings, and so it is re-readable many times.
The Atama-ii Series is nominated for the 2015 British Council ELTon Award for Innovation in Learner Resources. Titles #4 and #5, Backstage Pass and Hunter in the Darkness, are also nominated for a 2015 Language Learner Literature Award. For more information, visit